The following provides an overview of the community engagement initiatives that have occurred for the North Crumpit Neighbourhood Plan to date.
On Wednesday June 8, 2022, the project team hosted two public information meetings to present the Neighbourhood Plan Options. These Neighbourhood Plan Options have been informed by site analysis, technical findings, market research, as well as input from the community and District Staff.
Both meetings covered the same content and included a live presentation followed by a live Q&A and breakout discussion groups. A recording of the presentation and Q&A as well as a downloadable PDF of the presentation material are available below.
If you missed any previous engagement events and would like to review past material, please visit our engagement page here.
From January 13, 2022 through to February 25, 2022, 893 of you provided the North Crumpit project team with responses to our second survey. In that survey, you provided the project team with a better understanding of what housing forms, what type of design character, and what amenities you would like to see more of in the North Crumpit Neighbourhood.
Who responded to our survey:

Here is what we heard:
Question 11: What are examples of neighbourhoods you like, and why?
A total of 642 individuals responded to this question. The most common responses included the following neighbourhoods and reasons:
Valleycliffe (156 respondents): Close to nature, quiet, large lots, family-oriented, sense of community
Garibaldi Highlands (103 respondents): access to trails, amenities, quiet, older homes
Brackendale (91 respondents): Backyards, mature vegetation, access to river & nature, views
Crumpit Woods (77 respondents): private, access to nature, views, modern homes
Downtown (58 respondents): shops and services, walkable, mixed of housing types, close to water
Question 12: What public amenities would you like to see included in North Crumpit?
A total of 742 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: Respondents were asked to rank their results from 1-6 (1 being most desired and 6 being least). The graph below shows the number of times the items were selected as the top response. The table below breaks down individual rankings.

427 respondents would most like to see trails as a public amenity included in North Crumpit.
The table above summarizes the ranked responses for this question. 1 being most, 6 being least.
Question 13: Included space for respondents to elaborate on their "Other" selection in Question 12.
125 respondents shared they would like to see natural open, untouched spaces in North Crumpit.
Suggestions for amenities included:
playground (10 respondents),
dog park (14 respondents),
coffee shop (23 respondents) or small grocery/corner store (16 respondents),
trail retention (71 respondents) and trailhead amenities (such as washrooms, bike washing and tools) (4 respondents) and
increase parking (53 respondents).

Question 14: What are some of your favourite public facilities in Squamish or in other communities that could serve as examples for North Crumpit (list examples)?
Smoke Bluffs Park (24 respondents)
Dog Parks (27 respondents)
Brennan Park (27 respondents)
Outdoor markets (10 respondents) (Vancouver, Whistler - 3 respondents)
Question 15: What types of shops and services would you like to see included in North Crumpit?
A total of 517 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately. Respondents were asked to rank their results from 1-7 (1 being most desired and 7 being least).The graph below shows the number of times the items were selected as the top response. The table below breaks down individual rankings.
All respondents (214 respondents who live in Valleycliffe, 212 respondents who live everywhere else) would like to see a general store/market in North Crumpit.

Question 16: Included space for respondents to elaborate on their "Other" selection in Question 15.
Types of shops and services suggested include:
live-work space (10 respondents),
hairdresser (4 respondents),
office space (with co-working option space) (10 respondents),
covered outdoor meeting space (3 respondents),
art space (7 respondents),
fitness space (14 respondents),
child-centered space (5 respondents),
medical clinic (4 respondents) and
daycare (14 respondents).
Question 17: What are some examples of parks you’ve seen that you like? Why do you like these parks?
522 individuals responded to this question. While each provided examples of parks they like, only 173 provided insight as to why they identified these parks.
Smoke Bluffs Park (68 respondents)
natural features for kids
Rose Park (24 respondents)
grassy area
beautiful plants
Alice Lake (33 respondents)
support a variety of uses
Coho Park (32 respondents)
natural state
Stanley Park (16 respondents)
Question 18: Do you prefer: select 1
A total of 610 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Valleycliffe respondents are largely split on the type of park space they prefer, however respondents living in other neighbourhoods across the Squamish prefer neighbourhood parks that are closer to residential neighbourhoods.

Question 19: What park + recreation elements are most important to you? Please select up to 10 answers
A total of 668 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Trails, multi-use trails + pathways, and nature play elements are the most important elements for residents in both Valleycliffe and other neighbourhoods in the District.

Question 20: Which of the following existing trails that are located on the North Crumpit lands are most important to you? Please select up to 10 answers. Formal: Trails secured for public use through past development projects. Informal: Trails that have been added to the land without the express permission from a landowner.
A total of 652 individuals responded to this question.
S&M Connector is the most important trail among respondents (421 respondents)

Question 21: Considering the community need for both attainable and family-friendly housing, as well as downsizing and aging-in-place, what housing forms do you think are most needed in North Crumpit?
A total of 598 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Across all respondents from all neighbourhoods in Squamish, compact single family homes are believed to be the most needed in North Crumpit (293 total respondents), followed by Cottage cluster (271 total respondents).

Question 22: In addition to different housing sizes and styles, communities need a range of tenure options that allow everyone from homeowners to those needing subsidized rental housing to find options that suit their needs. What housing tenures do you think the future North Crumpit community should include?
A total of 574 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Valleycliffe respondents would most like to see fee simple market ownership (162 respondents). Residents in other neighbourhoods in the District would most like to see non-market or affordable rental options in North Crumpit (136 respondents).

Question 23: How do you primarily travel to and from your day-to-day destinations?
A total of 611 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
All respondents primarily travel by vehicle. Other (includes respondents sharing various combinations of modes)

Question 24: What, if anything, would encourage you to use more sustainable modes of transportation in a new neighbourhood like North Crumpit?
A total of 611 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology:A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Respondents in both Valleycliffe and in other neighbourhoods across the district shared that additional bike lanes would encourage the use of sustainable transportation modes.
Other includes:
Increased bus frequency (13 respondents),
More direct bus service (4 respondents),
Ev charging (3 respondents),
Safe non-vehicular routes (6 respondents),
Bike storage facilities (2 respondents),
Grocery within walking distance (2 respondents).
All other responses included non applicable answers such as “N/A”.

Question 25: Route 3, as shown below, services the Valleycliffe area with stops made approximately every 30-minutes to 1-hour. Transit decisions are made at varying levels of government, however, it is possible that some improvements to services routes and infrastructure be made through new development. What are some improvements you’d like to see made to Route 3?
A total of 402 individuals responded to this question.
Methodology: A large number of respondents were from the Valleycliffe area (including Hospital Hill and Crumpit Woods). In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of what those living in the Valleycliffe area wanted to see vs. what the rest of the Squamish community wanted to see, results of respondents from Valleycliffe are graphed separately.
Sidewalks linking to bus stops and additional shelters are the most favourable improvements among both Valleycliffe residents, and those from other neighbourhoods in the District.
*Other includes:
EV charging (3 respondents),
Safe non-vehicular routes (6 respondents),
Bike storage facilities (2 respondents),
Grocery within walking distance (2 respondents).

On March 9, 2022 we hosted a Housing Panel Presentation and Q&A. A video recording of the presentation can be found below.
From January 10, 2022 through to February 25, 2022 a second community survey was held. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.
The survey is now closed.
From August 25 through to October 4, 597 of you provided the North Crumpit project team with responses to our survey. In that survey, you identified your priorities for the North Crumpit Neighbourhood.
Who responded to our survey:

Here is what we heard:

You were asked if there was anything else the project team should know as we begin the North Crumpit Planning process. Several of you spoke of the importance the natural environment in North Crumpit has in your daily lives in addition to the recreational opportunities provided by the number of formal and informal biking and hiking trails throughout the land. Many of you voiced your concerns around the required infrastructure demands for the neighbourhood plan, along with some suggestions around preferred types of building and housing design in the area.
The following themes emerged from these responses:

On October 13, the North Crumpit project team hosted two Public Information Meetings to present Our Understanding of the Land which was informed by site analysis, technical findings, opportunities + constraints mapping, and development potential.
A video recording of the presentation and each Q&A session are available below in addition to the downloadable PDF presentation package, and fly-through video.
The feedback form has closed. Any questions and comments are welcomed via email at connect@northcrumpit.com or on our Live Comment page.