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Questions We've Heard

Below you'll find the questions we have received from the community.

  • I have seen on social media and other websites recently that “North Crumpit is a new development proposal by Diamond Head Land Company to develop up to 255 acres (103 hectares) in Crumpit Woods, located north of the Valleycliffe Neighbourhood in Squamish.” Is this true?
    No, this information is incorrect. Diamond Head Land Company has submitted an application to the District of Squamish for an Official Community Plan amendment to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the North Crumpit lands. The plan will be prepared in accordance with the District of Squamish’s Official Community Plan Bylaw 2500, 2017, and the final document will be become a schedule of the Official Community Plan. Based on our most recent technical study findings, we have learned that approximately 2/3 of the property, or 62%, cannot be developed due to various factors including environmentally sensitive areas and steep slopes. This leaves just 96 acres that may have development potential. The technical studies were presented to the community at our Public Information Meetings on October 13, 2021. You can review that information and watch the Public Information Meeting recordings on our website (scroll down to Public Information Meetings).
  • I saw an advertisement for presale opportunities throughout Squamish from a local realtor. The map included as part of this advertisement displayed an outline of the North Crumpit lands. Where can I find additional details about pre-sale opportunities at North Crumpit?
    Diamond Head Land Company is currently highly engaged in the Neighbourhood Planning Process in accordance with the Official Community Plan of the District of Squamish. At this time, there are absolutely no pre-sale opportunities, or any other land sales of any sort for the lands known as North Crumpit.
  • How does this application align with the District of Squamish’s policies they have in place?
    The application for the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for the North Crumpit neighbourhood is consistent with the District of Squamish’s 2018 Official Plan (OCP). The OCP designates the North Crumpit lands as requiring a Sub Area Plan (now referred to by the District as a Neighbourhood Plan) which will guide the scope, timing, and character of the neighbourhood plan with early and ongoing community and First Nation consultation. The Neighbourhood Plan will also need to be consistent with other adopted municipal plans and policies including those specific to parks, recreation, transportation, and the natural environment. If approved by District Council, the Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted into the OCP.
  • What is the timeline of this application moving forward?
    The process to develop the Neighbourhoood Plan is anticipated to be completed in late 2022 or early 2023. The Plan will then be subject to the OCP Bylaw amendment process (bylaw readings and public hearing), which typically takes approximately 6-8 months. It is also likely that the rezoning will run concurrent with the OCP amendment bylaw approval.
  • What is the process of the Neighbourhood Plan moving forward?
    Diamond Head Land Company and the District of Squamish have agreed on a ten-step process, as outlined on the graphic below, towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan. The process is now moving into the fifth stage - prepare neighbourhood plan options.
  • When will construction begin?
    It is projected that servicing construction (including roads and utilities) could commence as early as 2024 following Rezoning, Development Permit, and Building Permit approvals The Neighbourhood Plan will need to be approved by District of Squamish Council which will likely commence in early 2023, with the corresponding zoning amendments being considered concurrently with the OCP process.
  • What will happen to the recreational trails that are currently available to the community?
    The OCP has clear policies to ensure land development activities respect and contribute to the District’s Trail Network.
  • What does vehicular access to the site look like?
    Southern Access: The Cherry Dr/Westway Ave access is the District’s preferred location to enter the North Crumpit site. The Province has provided their initial support to explore vehicular access at Cherry Drive/Westway Ave. The Province and the District have agreed upon approvals process concurrent with the North Crumpit Neighbourhood Plan process. The suggested access point and road connection to Loggers East, aligns with the District's Official Community Plan. Northern Access: The District is open to considering several alignment proposals to identify a route that best meets the community's needs and specifically considers property ownership, environmental impacts, engineering best practices and the proposed Fortis high pressure gas line.
  • What types of new homes will be added to the community as part of this proposal?
    The OCP was recently amended, whereby it specifically identified the type of housing it would like to see for the North Crumpit neighbourhood: · Support rezoning applications that provide as much or more residential density than possible under the Residential 1 (RS-1) zoning. Consider a significant increase to residential density when that density enables the development of a complete, walkable community. · Future land uses should include a range of housing forms including a limited proportion of small lot single unit dwellings. The range of housing forms should emphasize missing middle forms including duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes that emulate the single unit dwelling form and character, along with townhouses and apartments.
  • Can this property become public land for the community to continue to use?
    A condition of any new development is the dedication of parks and open spaces in accordance with municipal policies and regulations (typically more than 5% of the lands). In addition, the District may require that certain environmental sensitive lands and/or riparian areas to be dedicated to the municipality.
  • What is happening with the new Fortis gas line?
    The Right of Way for the existing pipeline was expropriated from the previous landowner in 1990. Currently, FortisBC Energy Inc. (FortisBC) is proposing to install an additional 47 kilometres of gas pipeline and ancillary facilities to transport natural gas as part of an existing transmission pipeline network owned and operated by FortisBC that has been in place since 1991. This gas pipeline network serves the District of Squamish, Whistler, Gibsons, and many more communities along the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island. The Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline (EGP) Project will expand this existing FortisBC transmission system to supply natural gas to the proposed Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd. (WLNG) Facility, located southwest of the District of Squamish, BC. At this time, no agreement has been formalized between Diamond Head Land Company and Fortis BC for a new pipeline alignment through the North Crumpit property. For more information, please visit
  • What environmental factors will be considered as you develop a Neighbourhood Plan for North Crumpit?
    Several environmental factors, including watercourses, wetlands, riparian areas, terrestrial ecosystems, and wildlife movement will be considered as we create a Neighbourhood Plan for North Crumpit. Diamond Head Land Company has retained Cascade Environmental as the Qualified Environmental Professional to conduct environmental technical assessments including an Aquatic Report and Preliminary Bio-inventory Report. The results of the environmental assessments will be included as part of the site constraints.
  • Will there be any community amenities as part of this new neighbourhood?
    The District has a Community Amenity Policy, that will need to be addressed through this development (at rezoning). The amenities identified in the policy include affordable housing, capital (recreation/daycare) facilities, park amenities and active transportation.
  • Are Squamish taxpayers funding the North Crumpit Neighbourhood Plan?
    The Landowner, Diamond Head Land Company is funding 100% of the North Crumpit Neighbourhood Planning Process, including District of Squamish staff review time.
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We would like to acknowledge that though we are connecting virtually, we are doing so to discuss lands on the traditional territories of the Squamish Nation and the Tsleil-Waututh Nation.

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